Qualitatve repair of coolers
Cooler is a convenient appliance allowing to get high quality potable water of the necessary temperature (cold from 4 to 15 degrees or hot from 85 to 95 degrees) without any additional costs or time. Despite all simplicity of its use, cooler is a modern high-tech device requiring, as any other equipment, that operating procedures (which are not universally known) be complied with. This results in failures of equipment and deterioration of its operation.
If your cooler installed at home or in office fails or you simply feel that the equipment does not operate properly as before, contact specialists from Etalon-Ukraine for assistance. Our experts will perform a comprehensive diagnostics of your appliance, identify reasons of operational disorder and replace any failed element. You may bring your cooler to our office or call a specialist.
If repair requires much time, Etalon-Ukraine will temporarily provide you with a mechanical pump while your appliance is being repaired. To exclude serious breakdowns, you are strongly encouraged to carry out regular maintenance of your coolers, at least once each six months. This will reduce the risk of serious breakdowns and expensive repairs, and make you always confident in the quality of your potable water.
Etalon-Ukraine offers cooler maintenance and repair services, and, if necessary, a visit of our specialist to the customer. For service costs see the price list. The final cost of works may differ from that in the price list in function of the complexity of the works to be done.
Description | Price, UAH |
Prevention of cooler (rented) | 350.00 UAH. |
Prevention of a cooler (someone else's) | 450.00 UAH. |
Faucet replacement | from UAH 250.00 |
Fuse replacement | from UAH 100.00 |
Replacing the sensor on the hot water tank | from UAH 250.00 |
Replacing the hot water tank | from UAH 600.00 |
Replacement of the relay for the cold water tank | from UAH 250.00 |
Drain plug replacement | from UAH 70.00 |
Replacement of bottle receiver | from UAH 200.00 |
Replacement of network cord | from UAH 250.00 |
Cooler testing | from UAH 250.00 |
Call to the client | 300.00 UAH |
Tumbler replacement | from UAH 150.00 |
Delivery of a cooler (client-service center-client) | 250 UAH |
* The cost of work does not include the cost of spare parts
Repair of water coolers
Coolers are usually installed in offices where there are no water pipes, which means that it is not possible to use a purifier that provides high-quality water purification. However, many people are interested in using drinking artesian water, and in this case coolers are simply irreplaceable. In addition, this unit has very useful functions such as heating and cooling. With the “heating” function, the cooler easily replaces a coffee machine, which, if available, is no longer necessary to buy. As a result, many firms refuse to purchase it and thereby save their budget. The "cooling" function is also in demand. Thanks to it, in hot weather, employees have access to refreshing moisture.
The cooler, like all household appliances, also needs careful maintenance and good service. Therefore, if there are technical problems with it, we advise you to contact the service center for the repair of water coolers of Etalon-Ukraine LLC, where your device will be repaired and serviced with knowledge of the matter and at an affordable price.
What is cooler cleaning for
Even high-quality water begins to deteriorate during long-term storage. In this case, bacteria multiply very quickly in the container. In addition, the installation of the bottle could have been done with dirty hands, or scale had formed on the heating element. There are plenty of ways to pollute the cooler. If the problem is not fixed in time, then your equipment will not last long. Therefore, we recommend ordering maintenance and repair of water coolers in Kyiv in a timely manner.
What is cooler sanitization?
In order to keep equipment in working condition, it must be professionally cleaned and disinfected. This is done not only in a critical situation, but also for preventive purposes. The preliminary measures taken will prevent a situation where the issue of repairing water coolers in Kyiv becomes inevitable.
Especially dangerous for coolers is the scale that forms on the heating element. It is she who is able to critically spoil any clean water, giving it a specific taste, and also organize an unpleasant sediment in a glass. Therefore, it is important to clean the cooler on time, otherwise the device will quickly fail. The situation worsens when not drinking artesian water is used, but ordinary purified or even tap water. In this case, the reproduction of bacteria and the formation of scale occurs many times more intensively.
To replenish the body's water reserves, a person needs high-quality drinking water without dangerous impurities. Drinking water from the cooler does not pose any danger to users. However, in order for the water in the cooler to be as safe as possible, it must be thoroughly cleaned periodically.